
أسماء الشهور في العالم العربي

يمكن اعتبار الاختلاف في الأسماء العربية للشهور الشمسية أحد الأمثلة الأكثر وضوحاً على عدم وجود لغة عربية حديثة معيارية واحدة وإنما على وجود عدة لغات عربية حديثة معيارية.

لم أتفاجأ أثناء بحثي وإعدادي للمقالة الآنفة الذكر من الاختلاف في أسماء الشهور الشمسية بين تلك المستخدمة في بلاد الشام أو العراق (شباط، آذار، نيسان…) وتلك المستخدمة في مصر أو دول الخليج العربي (فبراير، مارس، ابريل …) ما فاجأني في الحقيقة هو وجود صيغتين رسميتين إضافيتين واحدة مستخدمة في تونس والجزائر وثانية تستخدم في ليبيا والمغرب لم يكن لدي فكرة عن وجودهما


A slightly more secure Docker-first solution to running NGINX as a reverse proxy with automatlically updated Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates using nginx, acme-companion and docker-gen

Introduction In a previous blog post, I a to run nginx as a reverse proxy, with automatically updated Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates that is entirely depends on several Docker images that were originally developed by Jason Wilder, eliminating the need for the shell scripts and the cron job. The solution uses a nginx-proxy Docker container […]


Resizing all pages in a multi-page PDF document to A4 size with ImageMagick

While many iPhone users regularly utilize the Notes app for jotting down ideas or making lists, fewer are aware of its powerful document scanning capabilities. This feature allows you to use your iPhone camera to scan documents, automatically detecting edges and transforming images into clean, rectangular forms akin to a traditional scanner’s output. However, those […]


On Anthropic breakthrough paper on Interpretability of LLMs May 2024

Anthropic showed that a method they previously used for the interpretability of small models could scale to their medium-sized LLM, Claude 3 Sonnet. They demonstrated that features (concepts, entities, words, etc.) are represented inside the LLM by patterns of neurons firing together. By mapping millions of features in Claude 3 Sonnet, they are able to understand what the model is “thinking” about during inference.


Rocket.Chat Webhooks Processing Slack Formatted Requests

Rocket.Chat is an open-source communication platform offering a plethora of features, including persistent chat rooms (channels) organized by topic, private groups, and direct messaging. It is a serious open-source alternative to Slack. Many organizations and businesses choose Rocket.Chat for the control that self-hosting provides, as well as for its privacy and security benefits. Over the […]


أسماء شهور بلاد الشام ومواقع ووردبريس العربية

نستخدم في سوريا وفي بلاد الشام عموماً وكذلك في العراق أسماءً لِشهور السنة الشمسية، وبالتحديد لشهور التقويم الغريغوري، مختلفة عن تلك المعتمدة في ما يسمى باللغة العربية المعيارية الحديثة والمنقولة عن اللغة اللاتينية مثل يناير، فبراير، مارس، أبريل. وبقصد إحاطة القارئ غير الملِمِّ بأسماء الشهور هذه، أنقل عن أبي منصور الأَزهري الذي عاش في العهد […]


Introducing pytest-minio-mock

As head of engineering professionally and as a contributor to Open Source projects, I am involved in several WebApp projects, where I put a large emphasis on code quality, smooth CI/CD pipelines as part of my dedication to DevOps principles. Some of the projects involves interactions with S3 storage via the Minio package for python. […]

Secure PDF Redactions: a Script Based Approach using ImageMagick

In today’s digital landscape, PDF documents have become a ubiquitous medium for sharing information, ranging from professionally generated reports to scanned copies of vital documents. There are numerous scenarios, be it for privacy concerns, security protocols, or compliance with legal requirements, where redacting certain pieces of information from these PDFs becomes necessary. A common method […]